Events and News

Montville Social Committee will be meeting Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00 pm at the Montville Community Center.  If you would like to participate in planning our annual Community Day, please join us.

Montville Fire Department will hose an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 19, 2025 at the Montville Community Center pavillion and ball field.  The Easter Bunny will arrive at 10:00 am with the Easter Egg Hunt beginning at 10:15 am.  The Easter Egg Hunt is for children preschool – 10 years of age.  The event will be held rain, snow or shine so dress for the weather.  Please bring your own baskets to gather the eggs.  Financial donations will be accepted to help cover the costs.

2025 MontvilleTownship Senior Trash Pick-UpDay The Montville Township Trustees and Montville Road Department are joining forces with Geauga County Department on Aging for the 2025 MontvilleTownship Senior Trash Pick-Up Day May 8th and 9th  2025.  In order to be placed on the Trash Pick-up list, you must first register with the Geauga County Department on Aging by May 1st, or earlier, be 60 years of age or older and live in Montville Township. Contact information is below. Click this link for more information: Senior Trash Pick Up Information

The Department on Aging can no longer go into seniors homes to pick-up unwanted items. The Montville Township Road Crew and the Department on Aging will pick-up refuse from Montville senior’s garages, out buildings, and drives.

Please Note the following guidelines:

  • To prevent possible bed bug transferal (or other pest), all mattresses, couches and upholstered furniture MUST be wrapped in plastic and taped securely or they will not be taken.
  • The following items will NOT be accepted: Construction/Remodeling debris, liquids, paint or other hazardous materials, rocks, yard waste, or household garbage. Reduce wood or pipe to 6′ or less. To prevent possible bed bug transferal, mattresses MUST be wrapped in plastic and taped securely or they will not be taken.  Consolidate all small materials in strong boxes or containers. We will accept unbroken car batteries, lawn mowers, and tires off the rim – 4 per load.
  • Please, Only 10 household items per home, and items should be from the registered senior’s household only. Items should be left out the evening before trash pick-up. DO NOT leave items by the curbside.

For more information about Pick-Up and to register with the Department on Aging, please call, 440-279-2130 weekdays 8:30am-4:30pm.

Remember, only registered seniors can be placed on the pick-up list! Don’t wait, call now! Those signing up for pick-up, please have a list of items to be removed.

2025 Clean-up Dayis scheduled for May 10th 2025 from 8:00 am to noon.  Residents must bring their IDs.  We accept appliances (freon must be removed from refrigerators/freezers as well as the doors), furniture, scrap metals and items too large for weekly trash collection.  We will accept up to 6 rimless tires.  We do NOT accept concrete/rocks/yard ornaments, liquids, fluorescent bulbs, batteries, yard waste, televisions, computers or propane tanks.

Montville Firefighters’ Association will host a Pancake Breakfast on Monday, May 26, 2025 at the Montville Community Center.  Meals will be available from 8:30 am to 9:30 am and again after the cemetery program until 11:30 am.  Cost is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children ages 5-12.  Free for military members and veterans in uniform.

Montville Community Day 2025 will take place Saturday, September 13, 2025 at the Montville Community Center from 3:00-7:00 pm.  Risk Factor will be performing this year and the Social Committee will be meeting throughout the year to plan.  Check back here for Social Committee meeting dates and your opportunity to join us in the planning.

Support Local Control of Zoning as you may be aware, Ohio Senate Select Committee on Housing has been meeting since the fall of 2023 regarding housing in the State of Ohio.  Senate Bill 243 was ultimately introduced on 4/17/24 and will seek to take away local control over zoning.  This also takes away your rights.  Any interested parties can utilize the template in the following link to write your legislators to voice support of local control of zoning:  Resident Template Letter Ohio Senate Township Zoning | Geauga County Board of Commissioners

New Area Code 436  coming to Northeast Ohio.  More information here:  New 436 area code selected for 440 overlay | Public Utilities Commission of Ohio

Montville Friends is a group of men and women who get together to socialize. They meet most Thursdays in the Social Room of the Community Center, and are open from 10am-2pm. If you would like to join, contact Karen Hawkins at 440-821-4040 by call or text.  You don’t have to be a senior citizen or a Montville resident to join the group. There is no charge to join in the activities, which may include card and game playing, crafts and socializing.  Pack your own lunch or snacks.  The Social Room is handicap accessible. They meet year around, but if the schools are closed due to weather, the center will also be closed.

    Recurring Events

    Trustees’ Meeting  —  1st and 3rd  Tuesday  of each month at 7:00 p.m.   

    Zoning Commission  — 4th Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m.

    Zoning Inspector  — Every Tuesday from 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m.  

    Firefighters’ Association Meetings  at 7:30 pm — 2025

    March 12th

    May 14th

    July 19th

    September 10th

    November 12th

    December 10th